Pallet Grabber and A Storage Bag
Free Delivery Available
VAT Included in the price.
This puller may just outlast your vehicle.
Pallet Puller Mark II with 3.7m strap
Best for safe recovery of pallets out of reach to the forklift truck
Ideal for up-to 3.m offloading length Vehicles
Used also for side door offloading access.
Works with 4.m offloading length.
Maximum pulling capacity 1000kg / 1ton
Overall product postal weight app 6.45k
Plus clear reinforced PVC bag as per picture with two black clingons Bag size 950mm x 400mm
Terms for purchase available
FREE In the UK, Wales and parts of Scotland excluding the Highlands & Islands. For deliveries to Europe and the rest of the World, Most prices have been set.
Get in touch for a quote if your country is not listed.
Free delivery offered for multiple purchases.
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